Forensically accurate 3D computer graphics are increasingly being used in the courtroom to assist the jury. Forensic CGI can help to visualise scenes and understand the details of events, complex actions or incidents. Using skilled technicians, Acumé Forensic can construct forensically accurate CGI.
The Pathologists evidence can be critical to a court case, but it can be difficult to understand. Acumé Forensic produces body injury graphics using realistic 3D avatars. This creates an accurate visualisation of the injuries described in the Pathologists report.
It also ensures that the terminology used by the Pathologist to describe the injuries, their placement and the interpretation of their relevance is understood. In addition, without the potential negative affect caused by the use of real explicit post mortem imagery.
The use of 3D avatars enables viewing from different angles. Internal and external viewpoints can be displayed in context with each other. This ensures full control over what is presented in court, whether it has been produced as a standalone series of graphics or as part of a more complex EPE.
All forensic body mapping is checked as accurate by the properly qualified medical practitioner who produced the report.
Computer 3D crime scene reconstruction is the process of recreating a digital version of an actual object or scene from plans, images or scan data. This could be to reconstruct a virtual model of a single object, a room, a building or a much larger area. The virtual scene can be simplified to illustrate important elements, such as the location of exhibits or sequence of events.
The possibilities of 3D crime scene construction is broad and flexible. Used in court to visualise and reconstruct a crime scene using 3D modelling and animation with supporting graphics.
3D is an engaging way of presenting complex information to the jury into a format that is clear and concise. The CGI is constructed and produced as an interactive virtual world, fly through or graphic or series of graphics to aid the court. It can be supplied as a standalone sequence or as part of a more complex EPE. The EPE must be presented in an Electronic Courtroom to maximise its full evidential potential. This ensures that all the information contained is fully understood.
Acumé Forensic has expert forensic technicians at disposal to produce fully interactive crime scenes. The virtual tour enables an operator to trigger events on direction from counsel. This helps highlight areas of interest, exploring the scene by rotating, panning and zooming. A mouse, iPad or hand-held games controller can be used to move through and explore the constructed virtual world.
Virtual and interactive tours aid in providing clarification and detail, enabling counsel to focus on key details of a reconstruction. For this reason, it has been shown to help the jury in understanding the complex information of a case.
Quality is relatively new for forensic digital media. At Acumé Forensic, our analytical processes are capable of determining authenticity, provenance and integrity of digital images as well as being used, if of good quality, to identify and compare.
Staff at Acumé Forensics have been serving the Criminal Justice System since the 1980’s. We pride ourselves in the quality of our client service, technical reports and the products we offer. Discuss your requirements today with one of our in-house experts.
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